
...“Natalia Amelotti's discipline, dedication, and knowledge of available resources were invaluable assets for the Cultural Studies in Buenos Aires Program, which I directed for many years. I could not have been more pleased with her contribution”...
Alicia Borinsky
Professor of Spanish and Latin American literature
Boston University

...“Natalia Amelotti was my partner at the Argentine University. Interacting with her was always a pleasure. If any issue related to the mobility arose, I would be sure to find in Natalia a good disposal to sort out any problem smoothly”...
Livia Fabbrini
Mobility Manager Incoming & Outgoing
Politecnico di Milano

...“Between 2005 and 2009, when I was a Professor at the University of New Mexico, I worked with Natalia on a study abroad program in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The students took classes at a local university. I strongly recommend these programs”...
Alejandra Balestra
Professor of Spanish
University of New

..."How exciting to return to Buenos Aires after 10 years and to work with Natalia again! I met Natalia in 2002 and since then, she has helped me with 8 programs, and I have always been very happy! In January 2023, I returned to Argentina with 34 students who learned a lot from the teachers they chose. Together with Nicolás, they also coordinated visits, trips, and excursions in Argentina. They were always attentive to ensure that the students and I lacked nothing. I can confidently recommend their services for any study program"...
Krystyna P. Musik
Senior Instructor
University of Delaware

...“Dear Nico, As you already know, I had the opportunity to lead a group of students to Argentina in January 2016. I was so impressed with your company, the collaboration during the preparation and throughout the trip, the competitiveness of your prices, the quality of the accommodation and services, and your professionalism that I didn't hesitate to recommend you and your company to a colleague when she was planning another study program in Argentina. When she returned in February, she was also fascinated by the cooperation with you and by the quality of everything you had organized for her and her students. ”...
Hans-Jörg Busch
Associate Professor of Spanish
University of Delaware

...“I developed and led the Social Work Study Abroad Program in Argentina from 2006-2011. Our program was exceptionally well-executed, thanks to the outstanding efforts of Natalia. Her dedication, cultural competence, and organizational skills significantly enhanced the experience for our students. I have immense confidence in her ability to continue delivering exceptional experiences for future programs”...
Dr Michael Gorman
Associate Professor School of Social Work
San Jose State University