Courses are offered in Spanish and/or English.

Universities can choose from a variety of courses, such as Spanish Language, Argentine Literature, Argentina Cinema, Doing business in Latin-America, Culture and Communication in Contemporary Argentina or Latin-American History.

Tailor-made courses are also available.

Sample Culture Course Syllabus (extract)

Course Description
This course provides an overview of various historical, social, cultural, and geographical aspects of Argentina.

The main objective of the course is to introduce students to general yet relevant notions of Argentina's history, culture, politics, and geography. Additionally, it aims to address the country's role and relationship with the rest of Latin America. Students will learn about the functioning and history of Argentine society within the context of the continent.
Class #1 Course Overview: What do you know about Argentina? When did Argentina become a country, and how was its population formed?

Class #2 The Spanish of Buenos Aires: Rioplatense and the use of "vos." Immigration. Lunfardo (slang).

Class #3 What existed in the Argentine territory before the arrival of the Spaniards. Indigenous peoples. The Guarani in Misiones. Iguazu Falls: Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca and the first encounter with the landscape.

Class #4 Argentine countryside. The figure of the gaucho. Gaucho literature. "Martín Fierro" by José Hernández.
Class #5 Recoleta Cemetery. History and current tourist attraction. Prominent personalities resting there. Eva Perón's tomb. Peronism.

Class #6 Argentine music: Tango, folk music, national rock, and cumbia.

Class #7 Idols of Argentine sports. Football. The role of football in political contexts.

Class #8 Food in Argentina. Mate (traditional herbal drink). Typical dishes. The influence of immigration.

Class #9 The Last Military Dictatorship. Mothers and Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo. Argentine Forensic Anthropology Team (EAAF).